Rush Team is a Free FPS multiplayer browser game


Rush Team News !

Rush Team 2.2.1 !
Posted by roka the September 9, 2023

Rush Team has been updated :

Version 2.2.1

- The grenade do not collide with the character or weapon anymore.
- The character model position has been adjusted a bit to reduce the advantage/disadvantage in some position/situation/angle.
- The bullet do not collide with the team mate anymore.
- The bullet hit detection has been improved.
- The impact sound position impact when an enemy shot has been improved to give you more sound and visual informations.
- An hurting sound is now played on the enemy body when you hit him.
- An different hit sound is now played chan you hit the head.
- A bit of force has been added when you or the enemy shot on a dead body.
- The blood impact size has been increased a bit and it will be more present during the battle ! (if you have the blood option checked).
- The smoke has been modified to remove/reduce the use of the sniper inside.
- The accuracy and recoil has been modified on the M4.
- Because of the fire rate, the 1911 in now 2 hit in the head for an headshot.
- The level requirement of the AWM OV-CAN has been changed to the level 6.
- The level requirement of the AWM DevilsPainBrush has been changed to the level 11.
- The level requirement of the AWM Mugiwara has been changed to the level 21.
- The room where a player is playing is now saved and can be shown on the player information of the player on the website (not implemented yet).
- The bug that allowed a player to use the extra grenade in a "no grenade" room has been fixed.
- The SVD sniper download now the textures only when it's needed and the texture quality of the first person view do not get downgraded when you change the game quality settings.
- The level requirement of the SVD black has been changed to the level 28
- The level requirement of the SVD Jungle has been changed to the level 32
- The SVD Wood has been added (level 25).
- The SVD Desert has been added (level 36).
- The SVD Digit has been added (Weapon Pack).
- The SVD Winter has been added (VIP).
- The flame grenade is now available as normal grenade (level 30).
- The gas grenade is now available as normal grenade (level 35).
- 3 colors has been added for the crosshair (black, yellow and grey).
- The crosshair number 6 has been modified a bit.

Have Fun !