Rush Team is a Free FPS multiplayer browser game


Rush Team News !

Rush Team 2.2.6 !
Posted by roka the May 20, 2024

Rush Team has been updated :

Version 2.2.6

Change :

- The game has been updated from Unity 2019 to Unity 2023. This has as objective to be ready for the coming WebGPU and also to be updated from the Unity version.
- The WebGL 1 has been removed from the game and the game only use WebGL 2 now.
- The game compression use now Brolti to reduce the game size. The old game size was 44MB, now it's 38MB.
- The game will load faster.
- The lightmap has been rebaked again on all the maps. You should see on some maps a quality improvement on the shadow (big work and spend a lot of time on this).
- The texture quality has been improved in some maps. You should see better texture quality on some maps.

Have Fun !