- How i can create a clan ?

First, you need an account and your account need to have the level 5 minimum.

Now, it's simple ! Click on "Login" on the top left of our website, login-in and create your clan !

ID Clan Name Master Assistant Members
26 [KILL-MASTERS] vickooloco No Assistant 9
27 [wolfie8378spack] wolfie8378 cakeman871 9
28 [MazowszeTEAM] monster4321 snowwalf 9
29 [skulls] skull89 Uchiha 9
30 [SniperKingz] jaylenb RJ1156 9
31 [SparkOfinsanity] Dar499 MALYT 9
32 [REBELUTION] iiLinkmon No Assistant 9
33 [equipodeElite] IosefStalin No Assistant 9
34 [Triforce] Narconesson RndomLucario 9
35 [Revengers] GIjoe No Assistant 9
37 [ggang] bgardone riotcontrol 9
39 [kokillerz] kokiller GirlyGamer 8
40 [acibiskupskegym] agecko daniel2004 8
41 [pornstars] pornstar10 hunter247 8
42 [theELITE] elitegamer01 maxenceravi 8
43 [JW-Clan] johnnywill Hrhodes04 8
44 [turkish-assasin] ketur No Assistant 8
45 [AngelicDreams] Vendetta707 No Assistant 8
46 [Imperium] TheUnreaL Mczite 8
47 [Tirrorizm] 11CATPAuK11 No Assistant 8
48 [3XTR3M3] THE007KILLER XItzCasualty 8
49 [Bigg-Bois] TheStinger nong 8
50 [RepartoItaliano] AndrebozF88 ENEA 8

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10