POLYBLICY version 0.2.7
16 January 2024
  • MOD
    - The christmas theme has been removed to the game.
  • MOD
    - The grenade do not collide with the character anymore.
  • ADD
    - The map SkyZone has been added to the game.
POLYBLICY version 0.2.6
09 December 2023
  • MOD
    - The christmas theme has been apply to the game.
POLYBLICY version 0.2.4
19 October 2023
  • MOD
    - The halloween theme has been apply to the game.
  • MOD
    - The maps with an halloween theme are Oro, Station, Hangar, Dead Zone.
  • MOD
    - The "Show Enemy Name" option has been removed.
  • MOD
    - The force apply to the ragdoll (dead character) has been modified a bit to be more funny.
  • Fix
    - I have fixed the repeating sound when you walk down on stairs.
POLYBLICY version 0.2.3
16 May 2023
  • Fix
    - Made other internal fixes.
  • ADD
    - You can now hide the private room in the lobby.
  • ADD
    - You can now mute the chat in game ("Mute Chat" in the game options).
  • ADD
    - The map Hangar has been added.
POLYBLICY version 0.2.2
05 January 2023
  • ADD
    - A new map has been added "Dead Zone"
POLYBLICY version 0.2.1
02 December 2022
  • MOD
    - The christmas theme has been added.
POLYBLICY version 0.2.0
11 November 2022
  • MOD
    - The reload ammo bug with the sniper barrety has been fixed.
  • MOD
    - The halloween theme has been removed.
POLYBLICY version 0.1.9
16 October 2022
  • Fix
    - Added a fix that can happen in some laptop where the computer use the built-in GPU (internal) rather than using the dedicated GPU (dedicated ).
  • Fix
    - Improved shader performances.
  • MOD
    - The halloween theme has been apply.
  • MOD
    - The game has been updated to a most recent unity version.
  • ADD
    - A new map has been added "Dead Zone"
POLYBLICY version 0.1.8
12 April 2022
  • Fix
    - The reduced movement when you have the melee or the grenade while using the AIM has been fixed.
  • Fix
    - The random noise sound when you fire with the melee and the grenade should be fixed.
  • MOD
    - The interface of the options has been completely modified.
  • MOD
    - The aspect ratio of the inventory has been modified to fit all screen resolutions.
  • MOD
    - The social medias has been modified in the lobby.
  • MOD
    - The room in the lobby are now listed by map name.
  • MOD
    - The headshot icon in the kill feed has been modified.
  • MOD
    - The jump movement has been modified (More speed in the air).
  • MOD
    - The movement when you run while firing or reloading has been modified (you do not have the hard reduced movement anymore but the speed is still a bit reduced).
  • MOD
    - The reduced movement when you throw a grenade has been removed.
  • MOD
    - The sound system has been improved for better performances.
  • MOD
    - The Spawn protection has been reduced a bit in TDM.
  • MOD
    - The sniper accuracy while scoping has been a bit improved.
  • MOD
    - The M24 yellow replace the M24 camo 2.
  • MOD
    - The M24 pink replace the M24 camo 3.
  • MOD
    - The AWCY blue replace the AWCY camo 2.
  • MOD
    - The AWCY splash replace the AWCY camo 3.
  • ADD
    - 5 characters has been added.
  • ADD
    - The M24 MOZ has been added.
  • ADD
    - The AWCY magic has been added.
  • ADD
    - The Barrety, Barrety blue, Barrety flash, Barrety geo has been added (You can do multi kill with it if some player are aligned).
POLYBLICY version 0.1.7
1 April 2022
  • Fix
    - The glitch in Eastern City has been fixed.
  • MOD
    - The inventory has been modified.
  • MOD
    - The name above your team mate has been modified.
  • MOD
    - Few other UI has been modified.
  • MOD
    - Now, when a match is finished, you come back to the lobby after 5 secondes instead of 10 secondes.
  • MOD
    - The weapon are now ordered by weapon type in the inventory.
  • MOD
    - The AK Blue replace the AK camo 2.
  • MOD
    - The AK Red line replace the AK camo 3.
  • MOD
    - The MACY Flash replace the MACY camo 2.
  • MOD
    - The MACY Moon Sky replace the MACY camo 3.
  • MOD
    - The UZI Yellow replace the UZI camo2.
  • MOD
    - The UZI Multy replace the UZI camo3.
  • MOD
    - The SCACY Yellow replace the SCACY camo 2.
  • MOD
    - The SCACY Moz replace the SCACY camo3.
  • MOD
    - The MPCY Blue Sky replace the MACY camo 2.
  • MOD
    - The MPCY Flash Sky replace the MACY camo 3.
  • MOD
    - The Krissy Savage replace the Krissy camo2.
  • MOD
    - The Krissy Pink replace the Krissy camo 3.
  • MOD
    - The P-Nonenty Red Fury replace the P nonenty camo 2.
  • MOD
    - The P-Nonenty Blue style replace the P nonenty camo 3.
  • ADD
    - The Famas, Famas Flash, Famas Red Line has been added.
  • ADD
    - The G36, G36 MOZ, G36 Race has been added.
  • ADD
    - 4 characters has been added.
POLYBLICY version 0.1.6
26 January 2022
  • MOD
    - The christmas mode has been removed.
  • Fix
    - The camera freeze when you leave a room has been fixed.
  • Fix
    - The accuracy has been improved.
POLYBLICY version 0.1.5
10 December 2021
  • MOD
    - The Christmas mode has been apply.
  • MOD
    - I have fixed the weapon size when you are in the lobby and check your character.
POLYBLICY version 0.1.4
01 November 2021
  • ADD
    - The map Eastern City has been added to the game.
  • MOD
    - The water in the map "OnBoard" has been modified to save performances.
  • MOD
    - The Halloween theme has been removed to the game.
  • MOD
    - The reaction (danse) is now disabled when you have the grenade equiped to avoid danse/fire glitch.
  • MOD
    - The character grandma is now set as "Girl" instead of "Boy" (Error from the patch 0.1.3).
  • MOD
    - The bug when your thrown grenade fall down at the kill cam position when you throw it and die in the same time has been fixed.
  • MOD
    - The lightmap has been modified in the map, "QuickFight" and "OnBoard" for a better performance.
POLYBLICY version 0.1.3
08 October 2021
  • ADD
    - A new map "On Board" has been added to the game.
  • ADD
    - 3 Characters has been added.
  • MOD
    - The halloween theme has been apply to the game.
  • MOD
    - The fall damage has been reduced a bit.
POLYBLICY version 0.1.0
13 December 2020
  • Fix
    - A glitch has been fixed on the map Small Town.
  • Fix
    - The visual 0% HP has been fixed.
  • Fix
    - The code that allowed a player to write in the chat with color has been fixed.
  • Fix
    - The ability to change the percent of the level on the progress bar in the lobby has been fixed.
  • ADD
    - 7 skin has been added to the silencer.
  • ADD
    - The Camo skin 1,2 and 3 can be selected on all weapons.
  • ADD
    - A new map "Quick fight" has been added.
  • MOD
    - Some silencer skin requier a level now.
  • MOD
    - I have increased the amount of healt recover in the healt box.
  • MOD
    - The default weapon texture has been modified for christmas and a christmas hat has been added to the character number 3
POLYBLICY version 0.0.9
06 November 2020
  • Fix
    - Fixed the M24 refill on the ammo box.
  • ADD
    - The UV of some weapon has been fixed to do not have the texture stretched.
  • ADD
    - Camo skin is available for all pistol.
  • MOD
    - Some UI part of the game has been modified
  • MOD
    - All weapons can now receive and share the same skin.
  • MOD
    - The halloween stuff has been removed.
POLYBLICY version 0.0.8
16 October 2020
  • Fix
    - A visual bug when you aim with the pistol has been fixed.
  • MOD
    - The Halloween stuff has been added.
  • MOD
    - Swithed the game from Alpha to Beta.
POLYBLICY version 0.0.7
02 October 2020
  • Fix
    - A double check has been implemented to avoid a player to load an other map than the one joined.
  • Fix
    - Fixed few text on the UI to be more clear/less blurry.
  • Fix
    - Modified a bit the UI of the team mate name label to be more visible on a white part of the map.
  • Fix
    - The scoreboard do not open anymore when you type something in the chat (scoreboard assigned key).
  • Fix
    - Fixed few glitch in Polar and Small Town
  • ADD
    - A message has been added when you get a new level.
  • ADD
    - You can now create a private room.
  • ADD
    - When you see enemies, the game will show you their names in red.
  • ADD
    - You can now be kicked for inactivity.
  • ADD
    - The smoke grenade has been added.
  • ADD
    - The music credit has been added to the panel option.
  • ADD
    - 2 Characters has been added.
  • ADD
    - The Ammo and Health refill box has been added.
  • MOD
    - The range of the mouse sensitivity is now 1-400 (1-200 before).
  • MOD
    - The hitbox of the head has been reduced a bit.
  • MOD
    - The Skin UCD is now available by level and the default skin has been apply to the AKCY.
  • MOD
    - Improved the lightmap in all map.
POLYBLICY version 0.0.6
12 September 2020
  • Fix
    - You don't need to log out/login anymore to refresh the inventory when you gain a level.
  • ADD
    - The map Small Town has been added.
  • ADD
    - The P NONANTY has been added.
  • ADD
    - The knife has been added.
  • MOD
    - The accuracy of the Krissy has been increased a bit.
  • MOD
    - The bug when you do not see your weapon after throwing a grenade while firing has been fixed.
  • MOD
    - The size of the label name and dead icon do not change anymore according if you are in fullscreen or not.
  • MOD
    - The text is now blue in the chat when a player join or leave the room.
POLYBLICY version 0.0.5
29 August 2020
  • Fix
    - The dance animation should not be played anymore when a player respawn.
  • Fix
    - The sound "One minute remaining" is now only played between 55 and 59 seconds.
  • Fix
    - The ping limit is now effective and give you a message in the lobby when you get kicked.
  • Fix
    - When an enemy suicide/fall, his name is shown in red now (thank TheBigN).
  • Fix
    - In FFA, the kill feed show now everybody red (thank TheBigN).
  • ADD
    - The assist has been added to the game.
  • ADD
    - The Krissy has been added to the game.
  • ADD
    - The golf club has been added to the game.
  • ADD
    - The Police baton has been added to the game.
  • ADD
    - You can now see how much EXP you win per kill, death, action ect ....
  • ADD
    - The AKCY UCD has been added to the game and set by default to thank you UNDERCOVERDUDES for his video.
  • ADD
    - 3 characters has been added to the game (2 public and 1 for GM).
  • ADD
    - Some servers has been added to the game and cover the world now.
  • MOD
    - The UZI have now 30 bullets instead of 25.
  • MOD
    - Each weapon have now is own recoil path and the no recoil on the first shoot has been fixed.
  • MOD
    - The delay between 2 voice message has been reduced.
  • MOD
    - Different UI color has been modified (grey to white).
  • MOD
    - The volume of the voice announcement when you respawn has been reduced.
  • MOD
    - Modified the color of the scrollbar in the inventory.
POLYBLICY version 0.0.4
16 August 2020
  • Fix
    - The UI performances has been improved.
  • ADD
    - The AKCY Rainbow has been added (level 10).
  • ADD
    - The AKCY Digit has been added (level 12).
  • ADD
    - The level icon has been implemented.
  • ADD
    - You can now change the color of your crosshair in the options
  • MOD
    - You can now set your crosshair as dot by changing the size in the options.
  • MOD
    - The UI has been modified in different part of the game.

      Quick fixe for the version 0.0.4 the 18 August 2020

  • Fix
    - The sentences when a player join/leave the match has been corrected by Maxime (Zeafy).
    - The Refresh rate for the scoreboard has been fixed.
    - The crosshair issue when you dance with the melee or grenade has been fixed.
    - The icon for the level 18 is now correct (icon level 17 was showed previously).
POLYBLICY version 0.0.3
14 August 2020
  • Fix
    - The word Swimming pool has been fixed.
  • Fix
    - The last minutes remaining sound is now only played when you join a team , not spectating.
  • Fix
    - The scoreboard should not appear anymore when you come back to the lobby.
  • Fix
    - I have fixed the pistol slider animation.
  • Fix
    - The UI background "Respawn in 5" is more dark now.
  • ADD
    - The AKCY Camo has been added to the game (Level 5).
  • ADD
    - The scoreboard have now the "Team 1" and "Team 2" label.
  • ADD
    - A skull icon has been added when someone of your teammate die.
  • ADD
    - A button "Add an email to my account" has been added to the login panel.
  • MOD
    - The color of the room list is more lighter now.
  • MOD
    - I have modified a bit the ragdoll.
  • MOD
    - The default character displayed at the login or lobby panel is now the same.
  • MOD
    - The "One tape" headshot is back but some weapons too powerfull or with an high fire rate can be 2 hit in the head to kill a player full of life.
POLYBLICY version 0.0.2
12 August 2020
  • Fix
    - The menu has been removed and now mixed with the scoreboard.
    Use tab for the scoreboard with the menu and B for the soreboard without the menu (B can be modified on the key setting).
  • Fix
    - Fixed the incorrect position of the bullet sound when an ennemie fire.
  • Fix
    - Fixed 3 fatal error that can freeze the game.
  • ADD
    - Added a sound "One minute remaining.
  • ADD
    - You can now see the game version on the login and lobby.
  • ADD
    - I have added a weapon icon when you respawn to give more information about changing weapon when a player die.
  • ADD
    - The blood (when you get hit) has been added to the game.
  • MOD
    - Modified some stats of the pistol.
  • MOD
    - I have increased the distance where you can hear someone dancing.
  • MOD
    - The headshot damage is not at 100% anymore for the rifle and pistol. So you can't "one shot" anymore (too easy in game).
POLYBLICY version 0.0.1
11 August 2020
  • ADD
    Website online
  • ADD
    Game online